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We would love your partnership support this Christmas is providing 500 youth a Gifts Bag.

You may choose to pick up any of the items on our wish list (including the clothing hamper) or

donate $50 towards a gift box and we will put it together.

If your work place or community group will be supporting us this Christmas and Holiday, let us know so that we can celebrate our partners! Please call Julie at 905-528-7625 x250

We would like to offer fairly standardized boxes so that when a youth opens their box beside another youth, they will feel equally blessed. If you would rather choose one item off our list we can add it to boxes as the inventory comes in.

Why we do we desire to offer each youth a $25 gift card?

A gift cards offers youth the dignity of choice. They can chose to buy groceries, clothing or a meal when they need it most. For youth who are homeless this also offers them a place to be without "loitering".

Thank you for your consideration of supporting youth this Christmas and Holiday

with some practical gifts and treats.


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